Neath and Tennant Canals Trust

Affiliated to the Inland Waterways

29 April 2024

Have I got Old News for You 3

Sale of Coal Barges


By WM. Howell

On Saturday, March 30th, 1805, at the Ship and Castle, Neath, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then and there be produced, EIGHT COAL BARGES, lately in use on the Neath Canal. The sale to commence at twelve o.clock in the forenoon. The Barges may be viewed three days preceding the sale, in the Bason below Neath Canal Bridge.

This sale appears not to have taken place as some weeks later the following advertisement appeared in the Cambrian.


By WM. Howell

On Friday, the 16th. day of April instant, at the Ship and Castle, in Neath, if not disposed of in the interim by Private Contract, and subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then and there be produced, EIGHT COAL BARGES, now to be seen in the Bason below Neath Canal Bridge.

The sale to begin at twelve o'clock in the forenoon.

WM. begs leave most respectfully to aplogise to the Public, for the disappointment he inadvertently occasioned on the 30th. inst. but being subpoened on a trial at the Great Sessions, held at Cardiff, humbly hopes that the necessity of the cause of the absence will plead his excuse.


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